Leo, Renae, Avery & Logan

The newest missionary family to surrender from our church is The Leo McElroy Family. Bro. Leo grew up in this church and graduated from Grace Baptist School in 1991. He then went to Pensacola Christian College and graduated with a criminal law degree in 1996. Between the years of 1996 and 1999 the Lord had dealt with Bro. McElroy to go into full time Christian service. In December 1999 Bro. McElroy with his wife Renae and son Logan moved to Madisonville to work in Grace Baptist School and to also serve as Youth Pastor of the church. Bro. and Mrs. McElroy surrendered to go to Quebec, Canada in 2004. In October 2008 they moved to the border of Vermont and Canada to learn the French language and plant a church. The McElroy Family serves with Evangelism Missions located in Thorsby, Alabama.